Upcoming Interviews:
“Ads are getting expensive, startups can find ready-to-buy clients in private Facebook groups by tracking keywords in posts.”
- Danish Soomro
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About The Interview 🎤
Danish Soomro is a serial tech Entrepreneur, yogi and a digital nomad. He used to work with Microsoft and has a grounding in tech and old school sales. He is the founder of Devi AI, Visadb.io and also built the largest community of 155,000 digital nomads.
He’s created a new software called Ddevi, which I’ve talked about in my lead generation course. It basically allows us to make better, more constructive use of the Facebook newsfeed to see the kind of posts that we want to see, especially the types that can develop into leads and business partnerships.
What you will learn 💡
- Danish' backstory growing up in Pakistan and what it taught him
- How to avoid his fatal startup mistakes and also what caused them
- The "Anti Marketing" Philosophy
- How to get your hands dirty with organic marketing
- How to generate leads from Facebook Groups
- How Danish grew his Digital Nomad group to 120,000+ members
Key Topics Covered ✔
How to start
Simple tactics anyone can use today.
Comprehensive strategies
Danish shares his philosophy and approach and teaches how to do the same.
Upcoming Interviews:
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