In this article I want to share with you the number one thing that can turn you from a failed entrepreneur to a real success story.
This is something that made the biggest difference in my life, when I finally got sick and tired of failing and just barely getting by.
So remember this…
If you go into business for yourself but it seems like nothing is working…
You publish a book, or you launch a website, or you send out a mailer campaign and it seems like no one is buying…
Remember that there is always at least one way out to get through to the other side.
Fail at least 200 times a day.
If life seems to have written you off as a failure, why not go out fighting? Put up one hell of a fight and you may very well find yourself breaking through and finally start winning.
Several years ago I watched an interview with Benny Lewis, founder of “Fluent in 3 Months,” which changed my life.
He was asked for his best “learning hack” for learning new languages. He responded simply that the key is to “lean into failure:” strive to fail at least 200 times per day.
Of course, most of us will fall well short of actually failing 200 times per day even if we try to – but the point is clear. The master has failed more times the beginner has even tried.
The irony of this practice, when you make the effort to double your rate of failure every single day… is it makes your life easier and attracts more opportunities to you.
By committing to failure, and multiplying how many attempts and efforts to fail you make… you multiply your chances of your success.
When I first put this lesson into practice in 2017, I doubled the size of my growth hacking agency. By setting a goal to fail 200 times per day I doubled my business yet again in 2018 and feel like I didn’t even fail at all.
That was probably the first year of my life – ten years after starting my first agency – where I didn’t have to struggle. Everything seemed to just work — and relatively easily, in fact.

“Your job is to push the pendulum as hard and as fast as you possibly can on the side of failure. Remember, the key to success is MASSIVE FAILURE. Go get massive failure. When I learned this, I went nuts. I became a failure-seeking maniac. I strategized on how I could get as much failure, as big and as fast as possible.” Darren Hardy
Engage in the process, not the outcome. If you give your best to the process, chances are likely that you will be pleased with the outcome in the end. John Wooden, a wildly successful basketball coach at UCLA, told his players not to look at the score.
Just focus on giving their best effort every minute of the game, and give a 100% effort without thinking about the outcome. If they followed these instructions, they’d be satisfied with the outcome in the end, win or lose.
The most important lesson I learned was that I could create systems… and use growth hacking to streamline and automate those systems so that I could easily achieve the 200 failure per day goal.
And remember, if you feel zero times every day, then that is the biggest failure of all.
So get out there and get into the game. Publish your ads. Send those emails. Make those calls. Send those pitches.
Commit to this daily practice and I know that I will see you through on the other side.
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